Allow yourself to heal.

Restore Optimum Health.

Reiki treats the whole person, working on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level. This helps to bring the body back into balance by increasing our life force energy, breaking up energetic blockages and releasing the built up toxins.

Discover a technique that makes you feel



R · E · L · A · X · E · D


  • Sarah has a gift and after my first Reiki treatment with her I felt calm, peaceful and grounded.

    The sessions give me a deep sense of tranquility and relaxation. The release of both physical and mental tension that Sarah facilitates is amazing and I highly recommend her services.

    ~ Natasha C.

  • This was my very first experience with Reiki and Sarah was amazing! Her space is inviting, calm and soothing. I instantly felt more relaxed just being there! During the treatment, I felt an immense amount of love and comfort. Sarah’s intuitive presence was gentle, but powerful and I was completely at ease with her. I can’t wait to deepen my experience with Reiki under Sarah’s care.

    ~ Jeannie S.

  • I thoroughly enjoy my Reiki sessions with Sarah. The last time I came to see her, I had been feeling anxious, ungrounded and was experiencing insomnia. That day, I received such an intense sense of deep peace during the Reiki session. Afterwards, I felt totally myself and very clear and grounded. After my experiences with Sarah, I know that Reiki will always be a part of my life and I am so grateful to have found them both!

    ~ Helen B.

Make healing yourself a priority.